Our Stories

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Million Little Pieces Project Launch

Hello Echelon!

Authors Jennifer Severino (Twitter: @jennyjowoww), A.D. Marrow (@ADMarrow), and Star Kava (@Starkavaauthor) are excited to announce the launch of the A Million Little Pieces Project!

Jen, A.D., and Star are all members of the Echelon and have bonded over their love of all things 30STM.  Each one of us has found something in 30STM and the Echelon family we can't find anywhere else.  As we all know, "It is not for everyone, it is for those who understand." - Jared Leto

We decided to work together to document the Echelon and are putting together a book and video documentary about the cult that is the Echelon.  We will be putting together a questionnaire and contacting people who show interest in participating for further information.

Please stay tuned for more information as the project continues.

Follow us on Twitter @echelonpieces or email us at echelonpieces@gmail.com.

Thank you!

Jennifer, A.D., & Star.

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