Our Stories

Saturday, April 4, 2015

So what's the deal with this whole project?

There is no art form that has it's fingers on the entire scope of human emotion quite like music.  A song can make you laugh and cry. It can make you fall in love or discover the warrior within. Music is transcendent and liberating and can make you feel free. Five minutes later, another may force you to confront your darkest demons. 

It is the love of music - specifically the music of Thirty Seconds to Mars -  and it's effects on the Echelon family that has spurred what may or may not be this foray into madness. Our goal is to gather your stories - along with our own - and compile them into a book and an eventual documentary that belongs to the Echelon. We want stories, fan art, video blogs, pictures; anything you think would be significant. 

Thirty Seconds to Mars means something special and different to every one of it's fans. This is our chance to get our stories out there. 

                  WE ARE ECHELON. WE ARE FAMILY.

The strange and obsessively beautiful minds behind this undertaking are three published authors, all in their thirties, who came together through a love of Leto and 30STM and hatched a goofy plan about a documentary highlighting the band's older fans. After 24 hours of texting, Star Kava, Jennifer Severino and A.D. Marrow lit the fire that quickly turned into what you see here.  Star  is a Pharmacy Technician, Author, and mother from Minnesota. Jennifer  is a criminal defense attorney, editor, and author from Wisconsin. A.D. Marrow is an Author from North Carolina by way of the swamps of Mississippi. All of them could potentially be constructs created by a mental patient at an institution that was given far too much computer access. One of the above stated facts about the brainchildren behind this project is not true.  

In all seriousness, the idea of this documentary and the book burned bright for them and though there may be similar projects taking place for the Echelon, this one promises to be individual in it's own right. We don't just want to hear about your experiences with other Echelon. We want to know what kind of an impact 30STM has made on your life. Did one of their concerts introduce you to your partner or spouse? Were you struggling with depression and one of their songs lifted you out of it? Did you begin to dream and change your life? We want to know ALL OF IT, the good, the bad, the spiritual and the profane. The band has written us countless love songs. This is the Echelon's chance to write one for them. 

Below you will find a list of questions we would like you to answer, things that will help us better understand you. We want to add as many stories as possible to the book, so we ask that you leave some basic contact information, just in case we have further questions. If we choose to use your story, you will be contacted directly. We are very passionate about this work, and we want you to be honest and forthcoming with us. While we would like to use as many stories as possible, it may not be plausible to use every one we receive. We will do our best to address every one. All of your stories are important, as all of you are our family.

Please send all responses to Echelonpieces@gmail.com.  We look forward to hearing from you.





Screen Names: (Twitter, Instagram, Vyrt)

Echelon - what does it mean to you?

What song speaks to you directly, and why?

What is your Anthem?

When did you hear them first?

How many times have you seen them live?

Do you have any 30STM tattoos?

Was there a moment in your life where 30STM made a difference when it mattered most?

We can't begin to thank you enough for your participation and look forward to hearing your stories. We, of course, will tell you ours as well. In the meantime, make sure to check out the project on social media. 

Twitter: @EchelonPieces

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