Our Stories

Our Stories

My Story

A.D. Marrow

Old enough to know better...

North Carolina, USA

Twitter: @ADMarrow

As Star so eloquently prefaced, I am an author so this may be a bit long-winded. You've been warned.

"This is a fight to the death, our holy war; a new romance, a Trojan whore; WE WILL RISE AGAIN!"  ~ Conquistador

ECHELON- What does it mean to me?

  1. 1.
    a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.
    "the upper echelons of the business world"

Wait, I'm special. I was getting technical. THE Echelon, what it means to me is finding the strongest of allies in the unlikeliest of places. When my love affair with 30STM began, I knew one person in the Echelon. Just one, but the connection she had with the music and the group made me dig deeper, and that journey brought me here, to this project that Jen and Star and I are taking on. Echelon is more than just fans of a band. They are a collective that seeks to change the world through music. The inspiration that people derive from the art that Shannon, Jared and Tomo create astounds me on a daily basis. 

What song speaks to me directly?

There are several songs that speak to me directly but if I were to sum up my life experience, it would be in bits and pieces of the following: Conquistador, Hurricane, City of Angels, Vox Populi and Closer to the Edge. I shall explain why: I am a domestic abuse survivor. For several years, I lived with a man that saw me a property more than a person and the end result was years where I felt like - even though I was putting my life together - I was still missing something. I could see the puzzle beginning to take shape, but there were a few pieces still absent from the bigger picture. Even as a writer, it was hard to put into words how I felt or the things that I had experienced. Over time, I was able to overcome the majority of my obstacles, but again, there was just a missing component. I needed an allegory for me. 30STM provided that. Lines that strike at the heart of who I was as a person resonate in Hurricane's "Tell me would you kill to save a life," and "there is a fire inside of this heart and a riot about to explode into flames."  Because of the lengths I went to escape my situation to provide a life for my son and I, I relate completely to the lines in City of Angels that say ,"second sight, it's paid off well for a mother, a brother and me," and the deeply resonating, "I found myself in the fire-burned hills, in the land of a billion lights." There are so many words that speak directly to me and inspire me. To chronicle them all would be an endeavor to rival Homer. 

What Is your Anthem?

My anthem is, without question or hesitation, Conquistador. It is my battle song, my reminder that there is and always will be a fighter within me. 

When did you hear them first?

I have heard them off and on for the last few years and thought that the fact that Jared Leto seemed to be bringing the Golden Age of artists back was awesome, but the addiction didn't begin until fairly recently. I wrote a book and Jen read it and said that This Is War would be the perfect soundtrack. I took her advice, bought it and listened to it on repeat so many times that my kids were covering their ears and saying, "Not them again!" 

How many times have you seen them live?

Sadly, I have yet to see them live. That will change this year, however, as I am determined to do so. 

You hear that, 30STM? You've been warned. 

I have bail money saved already. Just kidding, but maybe not really. 

Do you have any 30STM tattoos?

Not yet. I do, however, want the triad made out of the words One Life, One Love, Live. What an adventure that will be. 

Was there a moment in your life where 30STM made a difference when it mattered most?

30STM came into my life like a bull in a china shop when I was in desperate need for some therapeutic destruction. They provided a soundtrack to a narrative when it required it and for that, I am forever in their debt. 

Talk about cryptic. But I'm an author. That's how we roll. 


My Story

Star Kava


Minnesota USA

@starkavaauthor( twitter), Star_Kava_Author (instagram), StarMN (VyRT)

**In the essence of full disclosure, this may be a little long winded. I am an author, what did you expect?

ECHELON- What does it mean to me?

FAMILY. Above all, it means family. Echelon means unexpected friends, in the strangest of places. A community based on acceptance, love, and support of millions of Echelon the world around. A triad sticker on a car, a nod in stop and go traffic when my 30STM is cranked so loud everyone can hear it. THIS^^ is Echelon. Simply, it is a person I have never met, telling me they think my sugar skull face paint from Halloween was beautiful, when no matter what, I hate having my picture taken.

My Journey into Echelon began without my knowledge. I simply love 30STM and Jared. One night while professing my love for the show My So Called Life on Facebook, I struck up a conversation with Jennifer Severino which, in turn, started an unlikely friendship. Two girls from opposite sides of the tracks, bonded over a love of MARS, and Leto, alike. I started to follow VyRT, Instagram, Facebook groups, realizing there is an entire faction of people just like me. People who never really believed they fit. Then, I realized, I was home.

What song speaks to me directly?

I remember like it was yesterday. Another fierce battle of words, and wits. The kind that usually ended with me in tears, feeling less than, because no matter how hard I tried to not care, his opinion was the only one that mattered. I was sitting on my deck, nursing hurt feelings and a bruised ego, when it came over my 30STM Pandora station. 

“The Kill (–Bury Me)”.

 Every. Single. Word.


A person only knows this feeling when it happens, and in that moment I had found mine. This was the first day of my new life. I may not have been able to walk out at that moment, but I would. Never again would I feel small. Never again would I be called stupid, or lazy. I was done fighting for the attention, affection, and respect of a man who could provide me with none of these things. My silent tears would no longer scream: “This is who I really am” ( Thirty Seconds to Mars “The Kill” ). The entire song is a dare.

Every. Single. Time.

When things get bad, I silently sing this song in my head as a reminder.

 I will not shed another tear.

What Is your Anthem?

Surprisingly, this question is much harder than the previous one.  I want to just say the entire This is War album, but that would leave out my spirit anthem of “Up In The Air.”

To me, “Up In The Air” represents reinvention. On the first day on my life, the day I spoke about above,I decided I was no longer going to wait around for happiness. There is no fairy tale, no prince charming. There is no victim here. The fact we did not work as a couple was no one’s fault. There are years of history behind us, but our lives together had run their course. I had accepted my life before, it was my choice. NO MORE. I will make my own happiness, and stop waiting around for someone else to provide it. I vowed to lose the excess weight I had gained by eating my feelings for so many years. I promised myself I would find a purpose, something to work for besides food and shelter for my child. I NEEDED something to be proud of.  The very next day I stepped out of the changing room in the Employee Fitness Center, red faced and embarrassed, and stepped on a treadmill. I listened to “Up In The Air” on repeat until the words “Today, Today, Today” were engraved into my soul. I have gone to that gym almost every workday since.

When did you hear them first?

Well, I blame this on a 24 year old Jared Leto and a show called My So Called Life. It was 1995 and I was 17 years old. We all know what a Leto can do to a girl. After hearing him sing, I was always first in line to see anything he had a part in. Unfortunately, the internet was nonexistent at the time (I know right?), so in order to get a Leto fix, I had to buy his movies on VHS (ick). I believe I owned the first 30STM CD the day it came out, as well as several copies after that, because I kept wearing them out.  Thus, my love affair with 30STM began.

How many times have you seen them live?

Once, sadly. I had to peek through a fence to do so. I was also told I was too old to be there...but that is another story for another time.

Do you have any 30STM tattoos?

Negative. However, I have three drawn up.

Was there a moment in your life where 30STM made a difference when it mattered most?

^^^THIS^^^ What can I say? I am they type of person who only feels like I matter when I am helping others. I feel like 30STM brought Jennifer and AD into my life because WE needed to do this. I have never thought of myself as good at anything. I am always the first person to make fun of myself, because it hurts less than someone else pointing out my flaws. My writing, though I have a small following, has always been more therapeutic than anything else. Now I can put my skill to work, and at the same time tell someone else’s story. I NEED to do this, not only for myself, but for all of you as well. Regardless if Jennifer, AD or even 30STM know it, they saved my life by bringing me to you, THE ECHELON!! Without these ladies, or this band, I cannot say how much longer this Star could go on shining. So, thank each and every one of you for being a part of my story!


1 comment:

  1. What 30 seconds to Mars music means to me
    I am a seasoned Hotel General Manager. Very good at what I do. I excel in turning around properties and worked for a company which sent me to various properties for various reasons for various amount of times.
    A few months ago, after a wonderful stint at South Lake Tahoe, I was pulled to go to a property in the valley (not to be named) as there was a great need.
    This property was a mess.
    It was bad. My safety was threatened not just daily but multiple times a day. The place was riddled with corrupt staff, drug dealers, drug addicts, prostitution and just every kind of bad element one could think of. I had never been exposed to this element before and it was terrifying.
    Ultimately, I was physically assaulted.
    I haven’t worked since.
    Now at home with nothing but time on my hands and facing a lawsuit due to the injuries and noncompliance of the companies I worked for, I started listening to 30 Seconds to Mars. I started with This Is War, moving on to all of the bands albums.
    The music resonates with me as I feel at war. I feel like I have been broken into a million little pieces and now must re-build my life.
    I’m not a kid. Actually, I am older than Jared and probably older than Shannon and Tomo. (I don’t know their ages). I am a late ‘bloomer’. However, I do consider myself a family member / Echelon.
    I’ve met some pretty amazing people on Twitter that are Echelon. They don’t know my story but we all have one thing in common – the music of 30 Seconds To Mars, our love and respect of this band and Jared Leto in their understanding of the power of their music…
    Most nights I fall asleep to the music. Often when I am feeling stressed and anxiety ridden due to the lawsuit, and my fears, I listen to the music. It soothes me. I don’t feel quite as alone. And, I feel empowered. I am reminded I too can do this and get past this storm. I am reminded of who I am and what I am capable of.
    This is my story.
